Stable system + Stabilizing effect = Instability. WTF?
"The chemical basis for Morphogenesis" is one of the lesser known contributions of Turing but still a seminal paper in the field of mathematical biology. He tried to explain pattern formation in Morphogenesis( The process by which an organism in earlier stage of life generates shapes) using a simple model of a reaction-diffusion equation. He used this formalism to explain stripes on a tiger skin, spots in a leopards skin, pattern on a fish scales, digit formation in limbs etc (Check figure below).
One of the key mathematical/ physical insights that this paper gives rise to, is the idea of Turing instability. I came across the idea of Turing instability very recently. Frankly I had read Turing's morphogenesis paper some time back but the counter-intuitiveness of the Turing instability was something that I glossed over. In my defense, Turing explained the instability as a long paragraph rather than writing it down in equations, which made it very off-putting for me.
The instability can occur when you take two linear stable hyperbolic systems and you couple two of them using diffusion, which in itself stabilizing. This counter intuitively gives rise to an instability.
Turing explains this using a simple case of two chemicals X,Y which are created by the rate 5X-6Y+1 and 6X-7Y+1 respectively. We look at the stable fixed points of the equation given below which are (X*,Y*) = (1,1). The stability can be analyzed by the matrix M =[ 5,-6;6,-7], which has Eigenvalues -1,-1; therefore the fixed point is hyperbolically stable.
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