The emptiness of 'I'

Been a long time since my last blog post, miss me?

Let me indulge y'all with some thoughts that I have been thinking about. It spurned off from talking to a particular friend that I have made recently(Let's not give away names ). The way he thought about life was very antithetical to mine. This made me very intrigued, the sort of of intrigue you have to something dangerous or exhilarating but you would never the less watch someone else  do it. (schadenfreude lol)

One key strand that stood out from knowing him was his deep-rooted sense of collective belonging and distaste for ideas of individualism over everything else. I have known these kind of ideas from my parents, but never has anyone been able to defend it against my huge swathe of liberalism and modernity-based questioning(And I did give it to him alright!). Some might think what I am writing here seems is pretty trivial, like the oft-quoted saying goes "We live in a society". For me knowing is one thing and understanding it is a whole another ball game. And when I talked to him I finally sort off UNDERSTOOD.

This made me question some of the beliefs  I held dearly to, which placed it as Sreejith Santhosh Vs The World to Sreejith Santhosh & HIS world Vs The World. This was a pretty good takeaway. Explaining this in a graph theoretic way(Yes, I am a nerd) I am not just node in the graph of the world, I am a node and all the connections between me and the neighboring nodes(locally), and I am also lend my part to global properties of the graph(Think average shortest path between nodes & Small world networks).

I hope I can get back into writing regularly. Expect nothing and you shall not be disappointed:)


  1. Great read.
    Sort of reminded me of Raskolnikov’s plague dream from Crime and Punishment.


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