An alpine hike up Mt.Baldy

Certain primal fears are dominant in the human race, for example, the fear of creepy crawlies. A strong primal fear I have is cold weather. Having been born and raised in a tropical paradise in India, this is a fear I was exposed to very late in life, with very little know-how on how to tackle it. Every time I have come face to face with it, it has left me scarred. It has left such a lasting impression on me, that when I applied to grad school in the US, I specifically chose places in California just so that I need not suffer from the cold. But I had a dilemma here, even though I hate the cold, I love being outdoors even more! I am the kind of person that watches trekking, camping, climbing, surfing, and snorkeling videos on YouTube all day. I grew up watching Man Vs Wild, which defined my love for the wild and exploration. Wilde...