
Showing posts from September, 2021

Aperiodic >>>> Periodic.

Erwin Schrodinger  was the first one to describe the characteristics of the genetic material in his seminal book " What is life? " (Which is an excellent pop sci read). He describes that an aperiodic crystal is necessary to store the complexity of the human footprint in a single molecule( The information required to make the entire body is within the first cell, from which all of us are born from "The fertilized human egg"). A periodic crystal, which physicist are so happy with, since it's easier to solve, does not store a whole lot of information. I started thinking of an analogue of this idea with cultures. Coming to America, has given me the opportunity to interact with people from different cultures. A specific culture is like a periodic crystal to me, it encompasses minimum information and is highly comprehensible and fits in nicely to our understanding of the world. There is a lot of priors that go into building up a particular culture and the point of max...

Takeaways from "Behave" by Robert Sapolsky (1/n)

  Disclaimer: There will be constant updating/ edits made to this blog as I get along the book.

Subjectivity of the arts

I am always suspicious of lists like " Top 10 movies of 2000's , Top 100 Greatest songs of all time etc" where they try to pit artistic creations against each other. The only you thing you can say about a piece of art is what you felt with it. What anyone else feels about a piece of art is anyones guess.  There could be some general principles that could act as good guidelines ( method to the madness)   Use music that evokes a particular emotion as in the frame in a movie, coherence of plot, relatability of characters etc, but anything beyond that is beholder dependent. I was faced with truth very starkly when I started suggesting songs that I was hyped about to my friends who I had the same tastes in music but boy was I wrong. It's very interesting to see the different metrics that different people use to evaluate music, some people associate with the lyrics, some people emphasize relatability, some people emphasize music, vocal gymnastics, innovativeness of product...

An elevator pitch for mRNA vaccines.

What are vaccines? Our body has a self defense mechanism called the immune system which protects the integrity of our body from bacterial infection, viral infection, spreading of cancerous cells, destroying damaged cells etc.( Good brief of immune system ) The immune system already has a huge database of things it knows it needs to correct for. So if a particular pathogen matches with one of the "undesirables" in the database the immune system responds to it using the "response" that is already encoded in. One key example is of your body temperature rising when you have a viral fever- it is a part of the bodies strategy to kill off the pathogen. If the body does not know how to effectively respond to certain pathogens, the result is that the strategies taken up by the immune system does not amount to anything in stopping its spread in our body. It might not even be able to detect the viral particles early on ( Tricking Immune Cells ). There's a part of the Immun...

Peeping into god's bag of tricks.

  This is a piece I wrote in my previous blog during my internship at RWTH Aachen 2019. Re-published.

Grad school, one quarter in, thoughts.

  This is a blog post, I wrote during Winter 2020-21. I had written it for my previous blog, which I am re-publishing here.

Margins is where it's going down, where are you?

 One common theme to my behavior/aspirations through-out my adult life has been the need to be unique. I hated direct comparison's with anyone. I didn't want to be just the guy who does research/the guy who plays the guitar/ Or the mallu guy/ Or the business-econ-polSci aficionado/ The gymming-running kinda guy.  I figured I could never be the best in any single one of these things.What made me tick was the confluence of all these things coming together. I could be the best scientist who understands the soft sciences, who plays some sport, who does some music etc. That is a sweet spot that I wanna hit.  For a long time now, I feel very alone in this thought. Most people around me seem to be okay just being good at one thing and letting it slip. I feel a child-like bliss knowing different stuff about a whole different kinda things One experience that bought it to bear very starkly, was me partying with African Americans the other day, I was so intrigued by their culture a...

When to use Linear Stability Analysis?

  Let me try to share some insight that I got from taking George Haller's course on Non-Linear Dynamics.